Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hey Kids,

It was the Summer of 2004. I was 17, ambitious and getting into college. Nobody had really seen (or heard) of it, but everyone was talking about the Biotech Boom. Guess what, I ended up falling for it, and this is what happened:
As you can see, the past five years have indeed been down-the-line (Google never lies A toast to the now Passing Out batch of 2004 :)

Some more fun with Google Trends:

Saarang vs Shaastra
Neat :)

Saarang vs Mood Indigo
Traditionally lagging behind, Saarang seems to have the edge now! Addicted?

Opeth's popularity in India (vs Saarang)
Nice clean spike in November end, when there was buzz of them performing at Saarang, followed by another jump once the website was up. Too bad it hasn't lasted post-Jan.

Correlated: Beach & Boat
High in the summers, low in the winters.

My favorite: Construction vs Slumdog Millionaire
'Construction' searched more on weekdays as compared to weekends, while the opposite is true for 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Seems obvious in retrospect, until Oscar weekend!